It's Time to Walk Our Talk

by Morwen Two Feathers

Dear friends and readers of Spirit of Change,

I am very happy that my partner Jimi and I have accepted the challenge of coordinating the Harvest Gathering '97 on Present Day Shamanism. In this letter, I want to tell you a little bit about where we are coming from, describe our vision for this gathering, and ask your help in some very specific ways.

Brochure Logo

*The Five Colors logo was created by Jerrie Hildebrand


To bring the Five Colors* of humanity into one Circle, in order to:

  • Seek wisdom in our common struggle against racism
  • Break out of the traps in which history holds us
  • Begin to create an inclusive community built on the truth of the absolute equality of all people and the interconnectedness of all beings.

Jimi Baba Andras

Mending the Sacred Hoop:
A Gathering of the Five Colors

October 2000

Is a conference planned for October 13-15, 2000 (following Columbus Day). It will be held at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, hosted by the College of Public and Community Service. The intent of this event is to bridge the spiritual and the political communities, bringing together anti-racism activists, community groups, youth, spiritual teachers and elders of many traditions, and interested individuals of all five colors to share and learn from each other in the quest for reconciliation and healing.

Baba Drumming

Report: Mending the Sacred Hoop
October 13 — 15, 2000

by Morwen Two Feathers
November, 2000

In the weeks following the Gathering of the Five Colors, I returned to the vision documents I had written over the last two years. These documents were created as a way of communicating the ideas and intentions that came through the visioning work that Jimi and I had done that culminated in our plans for Mending the Sacred Hoop.


Finding Our Way Home

by Morwen Two Feathers
December, 1998

In his article (in the Nov/Dec 1998 issue of Spirit of Change), "The Lost People," Thom Hartmann speaks eloquently about the ancient tribal ways of the Europeans which were the first casualties of the violent, greed-driven materialism that became the culture of "Western Civilization." He notes that after thousands of years of dominator culture, these ancient ways have been lost. Young people in western society no longer learn these Earth-honoring ways from their elders, and instead become socialized into a culture of unrelenting individualism, consumerism, and disregard for the connectedness of all beings in favor of advancement of the ego-self.

Reflections Drawing

Reflections: Harvest Gathering

By Morwen Two Feathers, 1998

For many years I have walked my Path

Attuning to the cycles, the rhythms, the songs and stories of the land and sky

Inspired by the Old Religion of Europe

To work with the elements, the directions, the circle

I let my ceremonies arise from my heart

And my rituals are good, and Spirit works through me.

Harvest Gathering

September, 1997

In July of 1997, Carol Bedrosian, publisher of Spirit of Change magazine, contacted Jimi and me and asked us to co-coordinate the first Harvest Gathering, scheduled for September of that year. The first coordinator she had hired had quit, and Carol did not at that time have the experience necessary to plan and run such a gathering.