Reflections: Harvest Gathering
By Morwen Two Feathers, 1998
For many years I have walked my Path
Attuning to the cycles, the rhythms, the songs and stories of the land and sky
Inspired by the Old Religion of Europe
To work with the elements, the directions, the circle
I let my ceremonies arise from my heart
And my rituals are good, and Spirit works through me.
I rejoice to find similarities
Between my ways and the old ways
Of the original people of this land.
It tells me that the Spirit we each serve
Is the same Spirit.
I am saddened that this fundamental truth
Is lost among the pain
That still lingers, the legacy
Of history.
But still, this is the truth:
I follow the ways of Spirit.
I do, I will, and I have an absolute right to
- do ceremony and ritual in circle, in my own way
- work with animal guides and helpers
- work with the plant teachers
- work with the stone people
- work with the drum in a sacred way
- honor the four directions and the Wheel of Life
- give offerings to the ancestors, and to the land
These ways are not stolen
Not even borrowed
They have been given freely
Directly by Spirit
Spirit speaks to anyone
With heart and mind open to hear.
No one people
Owns the ways of Spirit.
I pray that the wound be healed
That we may walk together
Side by side
Each in our own way
Honoring Spirit in each other
And doing the work that must be done.
So mote it be.